7 Day Guided Motorbike Trip by South Thailand Motorbikes

South Thailand Motorbikes 
Travel Agencies, Adventure Tours

Our 7 day tour is ideal for riders who want to see a little more than tarmac and road signs! We average around 220 kilometers a day which allows plenty of time to experience the different sides to this fascinating country. From bustling Phuket to the peace and quiet of Khoa Sok. The ferry to Koh Samui is an experience in itself and once on Samui you have the day free to explore the whole island, relax by the hotel pool or on the beach. This tour is perfect for couples as there are no long days sitting on the back of a bike for the pillion.

Adventure Tours, Travel Agencies

Other products and services from South Thailand Motorbikes


7 Day Scooter Tours

No great riding distances on this tour just a leisurely ride through the Thai countryside.


15 Day Tour

For the serious rider our 15 day tour is ideal. Averaging 300 kilometers a day this tour visits some of the most interesting places in Thailand.


10 Day Tour

Our 10 day tour is planned for riders who would prefer to holiday away from the popular hotspots in Southern

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